God asks for and deserves our best, the first fruits of our labor. This was true in ancient Israel and remains true today.
Jesus modeled and instructed us to in caring for the poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized. CMDA’s First Fruits initiative asks Christians in healthcare to embrace this calling by dedicating the first part of our medical careers to following His lead. This demonstrates obedience and sets an important tone for the rest of our lives.
Will you prayerfully consider committing to giving Jesus the first fruits of your career, and taking the First Fruits Pledge?
Graduate Students
Graduate school is an intense time of life. Whether you’re training to be a doctor, nurse, dentist, therapist, administrator, or other health worker, it’s a season of building a skillset that enables a lifetime of service.
It can also be a time of discovery of how God can use these new skills for His purposes. Mission rotations, volunteer opportunities at free clinics, and outreach to people living in hard situations provide glimpses of what could lie ahead, and get you rubbing shoulders with dedicated Christ-followers living out their faith in inspiring ways.
As you progress through you schooling, take steps towards serving those Jesus gravitated towards the most. The widow. The orphan. The lost. The poor. The outcast. Will you make a pledge, and commit to giving the first fruits of your medical career to serving the least of these?
Early Career
The dawn has arrived! After so many long nights, stressful encounters, and questions about whether the finish line would ever come, you’ve crossed it! The beginning of a healthcare career brims with possibilities and opportunities.
It’s also a time of profound temptation. How will you make your decisions? Through what lens will you view opportunities as you weigh which job to take, where to live, and what standard of living you’ll adopt?
This transition is a key inflection point in your career, and in your life. Jesus made caring for those who society did not value a focal point of his life and ministry. As a Christ-follower, will you do the same? Now is a time when you can take action and make a major difference, perhaps an eternal one, in the lives of the poor and the outcast. God has entrusted you with much. Will you give back to Him by following His example? Please prayerfully consider signing the First Fruits pledge today!