Chapel & Prayer

Chapel Ministry

Come join us for chapel! Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, CMDA staff members gather for a time of worship and prayer, followed by a challenging message. We are pleased to make these chapel services available to you online HERE. If these messages are an encouragement to you, please feel free to share this resource with someone else.

CMDA’s Chapels on the Web is a production of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. The opinions expressed by guests in Chapel are not necessarily endorsed by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. CMDA is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse political parties or candidates for public office.

God is the Only One who has the right to call You

Hetti Britz shares about understanding your calling and making sure you know Who is calling you.
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Unanswered Prayers

Bert Jones asks the question "What is Hindering Your Prayers?" and offers guidelines to turbocharge your prayer life.
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Our Identity in Christ

Levi Chapman asks the question "How much do we think about our Eternal home?" and how your answer effects your identity in Christ.
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Who Can We Trust?

Shari Falkenheimer, MD shares about Trust and Obey, the times in her life when she has put her faith in the Lord and obeyed what He was asking.
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Anger pt.2-The Son of Anger

Bill Reichart continues his discussion about Anger and delves into the Love behind Anger and how disordered Love can lead to Anger.
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Mindset of a Christian

Bert Jones shares the difference between a Carnal Mindset and a Spiritual Mindset and the struggles we face with the Enemy using our minds as either a Battle Ground or a Playground.
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Prayer Ministry

We covet your prayers for our ministry as we seek to change hearts in healthcare. Will you join with us by praying for the ministries of CMDA on a daily basis?

How can we pray for you? Please fill out the form below to share your prayer requests with us and we will share your requests with our staff members who will lift up your requests during our regularly scheduled chapel services.

Prayer Request for CMDA