The Nudge

March 19, 2024

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NIV).


I entered his room to tell him his cancer had progressed. Treatment was more likely to shorten his life than prolong it.


“Should I just go home?” he asked?


“That would be my recommendation.” I replied.


God’s Spirit nudged me. I stood there, looking into his eyes, praying I could witness to him about our Lord.


“We all got to go sometimes,” he said.


“I certainly know that. I’m just grateful there is a heaven,” I responded, remained silent and continued to pray for an opening. He had never seemed to be a follower of Christ, but I had never spoken to him about Jesus.


“I’m still a member of the church my family goes to, but I haven’t gone in many years.” he said.


I continued to pray. “How are you doing with God?” I asked.


“I think I’m okay. I’ve tried to do my best.”


“The good thing is, we don’t have to do our best to wake up in heaven with those we love. Jesus took care of that on the cross. Whatever we have done, we have been forgiven and have eternal life if we know Him.”


He smiled and nodded.


This sweet man died in his home five days later with his daughter sharing the gospel at his bedside.


Two things stand out to me.


The first is that I had not mentioned Christ to him for more than eight years.


This man knew I loved him from my years as his doctor, but somehow, I had not linked my care for him with the act of sharing Christ. I don’t know where that dis-linkage comes from and will continue to ask God to correct it in my relationship with others.


The second thing that amazes me was God’s faithfulness to provide the opening for witness as I prayed sincerely during our encounter.


It continues to astound me, as a Christian mandated to witness, how important it is to listen for God’s Spirit and sincerely ask Him during my conversations to provide avenues to speak His word.


It has happened over and over in my life:


I am talking with someone. God nudges me to speak His Name. If I obey that nudge and sincerely pray for the opening and the words, God comes through.


“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13, NIV).


God does all the work if we but listen and pray.


Dear Father,

Attune me more to your voice when I am with others, that I may speak the words you give.


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