CMDA's The Point

Federal Judge Blocks Gender Mandate

February 27, 2025

by Brick Lantz, MD

We want our CMDA members to be aware we are tracking the outcome of President Trump’s orders to protect vulnerable youth from transgender distortion. One of the early mandates by the Trump Administration was to stop federal spending, through the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), to hospitals and the healthcare profession from hormone treatment and transgender surgeries in patients under 19. The executive order was to stop federal programs and organizations that promote gender ideology. The ACLU is representing plaintiffs to counter these mandates. U.S. District Judge Brendan Hurson ordered a minimum stay of 14 days of the executive order on February 13, 2025.


We want the best care possible for those suffering with gender dysphoria. Please join us in prayer for the decisions by the federal government to stop this unwarranted harm by the healthcare profession. Talk to your colleagues and your representatives about the harms of transgender distortion and the benefits of ceasing federal funding.

Brick Lantz, MD

About Brick Lantz, MD

Brick Lantz, MD, retired after 33 years in private practice in orthopedics. He is a lifetime CMDA member, medical director of a local pregnancy resource center, leads an undergraduate chapter of CMDA at University of Oregon, is the Oregon State Director for the American Academy of Medical Ethics, is a member of CMDA's Board of Trustees and is currently pursuing a masters in bioethics. He facilitated the development of Bridging the Gap small group curriculum.


  1. Steven Willing MD on February 28, 2025 at 1:41 pm

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the courts.

    This spring or summer, the US Supreme Court will be issuing its ruling on US vs Skrmetti, with most observers anticipating a favorable outcome for our side. However, the Tennessee law was passed by a state legislature, not executive decree.

    Much as I support the principle behind President Trump’s executive order, I am concerned about so much power being invested in the chief executive. What the right hand giveth, the left hand taketh away. The next Democratic president could issue an executive order requiring every state to provide “gender affirmation,” perhaps even at taxpayer expense.

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