A “Right Now” Word
June 30, 2022

by Nicole D. Hayes
Sometimes, we need a “right now” word. Sometimes, this is referred to as a “rhema word” or “God’s Word spoken to you.”
A “right now” word is when God speaks a word to you directly and personally in your circumstances. This word is specifically for you, spoken through the Holy Spirit. Whether the word or words are spoken to assure, comfort, guide or instruct you, this “right now word” is what you need in that moment. The word may be followed by a prompting or urging from within to act on the assurance or instruction given to us.
What makes a “right now” word the tipping point to shift or solidify our course of action?
It gives us rest. It gives us greater confidence in God (not in ourselves) to move boldly. Empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit, “right now” words enable us to be divergent, be dexterous and not made stagnant by comparing ourselves with other people’s instructions. We are more liberated to pursue God’s will!
It produces fearlessness as the confidence from this “right now” word reminds us of God’s words spoken to Joshua in Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (NIV).
It makes our convictions unshakeable. It enables us to stay the course.
During daily conversations, we may forget who said what and when, particularly if the conversation was some time ago. Our recollection is not always accurate, and in trying to recall it, we may get the conversation jumbled. But I promise: when a “right now” word is spoken to you in that still small voice, it tends to stay with you. I will not forget the “right now” word the Holy Spirit spoke to me a few years ago when I was experiencing some ongoing gastrointestinal issues after a viral infection. Some days, the sickness had me to where I would get up in the morning, make the bed and shortly get back in the bed. I was physically, mentally and spiritually sapped—as if in a constant battle. I was used to being productive—24 hours a day, seven days a week! I was used to being reliable for others. Given my situation (with several doctor’s appointments and emergency room visits), I could not see how I would come out of it. I could not see how I would return to the same level of productivity as before.
I was in total brokenness, in full surrender recognizing my physical limitations. Yet, there was a stirring within (strengthened by the fervent prayers of many dear brothers and sisters in Christ) that let me know what I was experiencing was not only physical but most certainly spiritual. Spiritually adversarial while spiritually emboldening and maturing me. It made me cling more to the Lord like a child and simultaneously reminded me that I carried a sword against the devil. The gloves were on! One day, I clearly and audibly heard the Lord speak to me just as sure, succinct and resolute. He said, “I will heal you through food.” Even now, I hear His words spoken to me as if on that day. Six words. Six powerful and reassuring words. To the point. No jibber jabber. He was crystal clear. Nothing further was spoken or needed to be spoken. By those six “right now” words spoken to me in my situation, it was all the reassurance I needed to know that despite the symptoms, healing would come, and I would be able to continue in my work and calling. I could take His words to the bank. I thank Him for the measure of health He has given me today. That healing came from eating certain foods and removing others.
In our lives and work, there is a spiritual dimension to all that we do.
In our daily state and federal public policy work, we see this dimension of spiritual activity front and center. It is not meek nor is it mild. It is full out raging against any encroachment of advancing godliness in its territory. It is resistant to giving up any ground or freeing its captives. It will absolutely fight you. You can and should consult wise people and resources for possible strategies helpful to the work. Yet, receiving a reassuring “right now” word from the Lord will provide you the endurance to progress in the work as God’s instrument for this purpose, despite how things look.
In these times of upheaval, shaking and dismantling, in these times of “what was is no longer” when the world is unrecognizable and there are no standards of absolute truth, when what is common and predictable seems in short supply, I would suggest to you we need a “right now” word from God. A “right now” word that will speak and minister to us individually and specifically where we’re each at respectively in our journeys amid this current shaking to confirm that His will and purposes for you and His church WILL triumph. That even with increasing upheaval, His good purposes for you will prevail.
I can’t help but think on Jesus’ promise made to us then and now in John 16:33 amid increasing tribulation: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (NIV).
Dear brothers and sisters, in a word for where you may find yourself today in whatever your work and calling, I encourage you to “continue.” I encourage to you to engage in or continue engaging in a more purposeful prayer life to be ready to hear, expect, receive and respond to a “right now” word from the Lord.
great/ thanks
this is really helpful, I start chemo tomorrow for a really rare SNUC in South Carolina. so scripture and hearing of God’s faithfulness keeps carrying me through! Thanks Sister! Jo (female)