A Song from the Heart

November 21, 2023

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him” (Psalm 40:3, NIV).


It was 10 a.m., time for the 10-minute, Monday-Wednesday-Friday prayer time in our hospital chapel, open for patients, employees and healthcare professionals. About five to 10 folks were praying, some out loud. As the 10 minutes wound down, a beautiful voice arose from the back of the chapel, singing: “I’m gonna trust the Lord; I’m gonna trust the Lord; I’m gonna trust the Lord until I die. I’m gonna stay on the battlefield; I’m gonna stay on the battlefield; I’m gonna stay on the battlefield until I die.”


I love those songs that seem to rise out of sincere and troubled hearts and reach for a victory that is ours. This spontaneous chapel song was one.


When I lived in Nigeria and worshipped in the small town of Sanubi, I bowed my head among the poorest people I will ever know with the hardest life circumstances I will ever see. I can still hear the song rising from those faithful followers of Christ:


When I look to my right, I see Satan has fallen;
When I look to my left, I see Satan has fallen;
When I look to my front, I see Satan has fallen;
When I look to my back, I see Satan has fallen.

I have seen, seen the downfall of Satan; Glory to God, Amen!

(Song by Ron Kenoly)


When I face my own defeats, when I walk through times of great discouragement, when the goals for those I love fail to materialize, do I have a song that spontaneously rises out of a deeply entrenched faith, one that speaks of trust and victory?


Dear Father,

Embed that song in my heart.


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