A Tribute to My Brother, Now Gone
September 26, 2024

by Amy Givler, MD
My brother John died suddenly on June 21, 2024. It has been three months, which seems unreal to me. Hasn’t it been an eternity? Then again, it feels like yesterday—or that it never happened at all. How could someone so alive now be dead? Losing him has felt like a ripping out of something central in my core. Until he was gone, I didn’t realize how intrinsic he was to my sense of self.
I grew up as the middle child of five. There were three years between my first and second sister, and a gap of seven years between my two younger brothers, but the three of us in the middle were clustered together: Martha born in 1957, me in 1958 and John in 1959. “Stairsteps,” as some people call it.
I loved being The Middle Stairstep. The three of us looked out for each other. I don’t remember spending much time alone during childhood. With one sibling slightly older and one slightly younger, I always had a playmate.
When John was 14 years old, he started climbing rocks. It became a passion, much to my mother’s dismay. She knew hanging onto a lip of the near-vertical cliff, hundreds of feet above the ground, attached to a rope attached to a piton wedged in a crack in the rockface was, well, risky. With the obliviousness of youth, I had no such fear. John was just doing what he loved, and I was happy that he was happy.
Then Martha, The Oldest Stairstep, who had suffered with epilepsy since she was five, died suddenly of a particularly bad seizure just four days shy of her 22nd birthday. Nobody imagined she would die. I plunged into grief—it really did feel like drowning. It was my first experience with a massive loss, and I felt physical pain in my chest—a dull ache—for months.
As the pain slowly faded, I became ever more aware that my brother was hanging off the sides of cliffs. He could fall. If he fell, he would die. If he died, I would be in agony once again. I didn’t want to lose another sibling—I never wanted to hurt that much again. I know that sounds like I was only thinking of my own potential pain, and I guess that is because I was. His pleasure was pushing himself to the edge of what was possible. Yet, his pleasure was my burden.
But what could I do? My mother’s pleading with John to take fewer risks in his climbing seemed to have the opposite effect. John was becoming a world-class climber, creating new and challenging routes on some of the world’s steepest and tallest granite walls.
He could have died so many times and in so many ways. Almost never did I hear about a climb he made until afterward, when he was back on level ground. This was a kindness on his part, because not knowing greatly benefited my mental health. It was hard enough hearing about his climbs afterward.
Two perilous climbs stand out.
In March 1986, he was living in “Camp 4” in Yosemite Valley as part of the Search and Rescue Team, that is, as an experienced climber who the National Park Service could call upon to reach any park visitor who needed rescuing. Sadly, that sometimes meant retrieving bodies, for there are plenty of dangerous hikes in Yosemite. The rescue team put his climbing skills to use, but its main advantage was having permission to live long-term in the Valley, sometimes in a tent, and sometimes in a non-functional VW bus.
John had lived there close to three years that March. Most days were spent planning a climb, climbing, or resting after a climb. Two friends invited John to join them to climb a 2,000-foot wall, the South Face of Half Dome. It was late winter, but the weather was clear, and all the weather predictions being broadcasted said it would stay that way. Four days in, they were only one day from completing it when a severe winter storm blew in with snow and freezing rain that froze all their equipment to the rock face. Moving from their location was impossible. Their portaledges, which allowed them to sleep on the wall, were entirely inadequate, twisting and needing constant adjusting. One collapsed entirely. Three utterly miserable days later, they were rescued by helicopter during a brief break in the weather. They wouldn’t have lasted much longer.
John wrote about that rescue for Climbing magazine in 1990, and I ghostwrote the story (for John) for Guideposts in May 2000. The experience transformed John—for the better. He was kinder, more people-focused and confident there was a God who loved him. During those three days, while shivering and wrestling with his flimsy portaledge, he used his brilliant mind, trained in engineering at Stanford, to mentally design a better portaledge. For the next 10 years he produced sturdier portaledges with better materials, as well as heaps of other climbing equipment, and sold them through his company A5. His new design enabled multi-day climbs that had never been possible before.
In 1992, he and another friend, Xaver Bongard, made the first successful climb of the Great Trango Tower, a 4,400-foot rock face in Pakistan. I say first “successful” climb because every member of the Norwegian team who climbed it in 1984 died in the descent. Nobody has climbed it since John and Xaver. The reason? Terrible weather, repeated ice and snow avalanches, and multiple rockfalls (some as large as refrigerators). John was 32 and at peak physical prowess, yet his life could have been extinguished hundreds of times in the 16 days of climbing and the two days of rappelling in descent. I believe God protected him, and so did our mother, a faithful woman of prayer. John knew he had been spared.
Over the next 10 years John climbed less often. He built up his A5 company, sold it to The North Face, then worked as a Colorado River guide at the Grand Canyon. It seemed to me he was taking fewer risks, deeming his life more precious. Or was I just projecting my own desires?
When he was approaching 40, I asked him about it. “So, John, no more first ascents with avalanches and falling rocks?” He grimaced a bit. “I’ve lost a lot of friends,” he said. “After 40, a person’s body just doesn’t perform at a top level anymore. You think you can do something because you’ve always been able to do it, but then when the critical moment comes….” His voice trailed off.
At that point I had three rambunctious kids who adored him. Sometimes I caught him looking at them wistfully. “You’d be a great dad,” I said. He looked at me sideways, the way he did, and smiled.
And then came the momentous, glorious day when our family met Jeni, who was a fellow river guide and was so obviously his match in every way. Marrying her calmed his soul, accentuated by the birth of Rowen and Remi, 17 and 11 years ago. For the last 16 years they’ve lived in Australia, where there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventures—but no longer did he push himself to the edge of what was possible. Instead, he developed himself as a person—using his flexible brain to become a math and science teacher, to perfect the portaledge and to write books and copious articles on the history and techniques of climbing. He generously shared what he had—time, energy, resources—starting with his family, and extending to just about anyone. He was a gentle and deliberate father, involving himself in whatever interested his kids.
He was happy. His family was happy. I was happy. No longer did I fear losing him to a loose rock or a freak storm. He was safe on terra firma, seemingly healthy at age 64, loving his wife, wanting to raise his kids. He was valuing his life as much as I valued it. I love him for that.
Then, in the early hours of June 21, he had a massive event. He never woke up, though Jeni and I did CPR until the ambulance arrived. And since then—the waves of grief.
John was someone who intuitively understood me, and I him. Before he died, I could not envision a world in which he was not alive. Yet—in a moment—he was gone.
Writing this tribute to him has been painstakingly slow, the slowest piece of writing I’ve ever done. I’ve stared at the computer screen for an hour at a time before writing the next sentence. It’s as if putting John into words was the way for his death to become real, a moving forward through the drudgery of grief. With each word, the bleak truth that he is gone does indeed feel more real.
For me, this summer has been an answer to the prayer of the psalmist:
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom” (Psalm 90:12, NLT).
Three months of thoughtful reflection later, I’m now utterly convinced of the brevity of life. Life is fragile and precious. People deserve my time. Every minute counts.
And so, perhaps, I hope, I am one step farther along the road toward wisdom.
I love this so much Amy. Thank you for sharing your brother’s story and your story. Sending hugs and love! See you tomorrow!
Hi Amy,
This was a wonderful reflection on your brother’s life, lived fully for every day he had been given. It reminds me also of the brevity of life and you ability to express yourself in remembering John was just so lovely. Thank you for writing this and sharing your brother’s life along with your pain.
Agnes Schrader
Thank you for loving your brother so much and sharing your pain. I have lost 2 brothers and still grieve. My wife has lost two sisters and still grieves. Every day I tell my patients that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us as you know so well. Every moment is so special as god’s gift to us. Celebrate life. I often refer to Grief share. I’m hoping you are familiar with their ministry. If not please take a look. Praying for you and your grief and loss. Now you to must cherish every day to honor your loved brother as he would have wanted you to do.
A beautiful, beautiful tribute to your brother and reflection on truth that we all need. Thanks for the reminder. “Teach us, Lord, to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” So do, Lord!
Amy, this story was beautiful. I certainly understand the climbing world, with my husband, Chris, whom you know. He was an avid climber when we met and finally lost one of his partners on a multi-pitch climb in the California Alps. He left behind his wife, a good friend of mine to this day, and two beautiful children, now college grads. He was also one of only two PCP’s in South Shore, Tahoe. He and his partner delivered all the babies and did the rest of full spectrum primary care for this community. The entire south shore of the Tahoe basin was left in loss. I will never forget the day when I got the news. We still have antique climbing equipment on our rock fireplace, in memory of a thrilling chapter of life, but I am grateful for God keeping Chris safe. Now we are both in our 70s and realize that life is even more fragile than ever. Your losses are deep and I pray for your peace. In His Love, Connie
I missed this when it posted to cmda as that was the day Hurricane Helene hit us. I am so glad I found it in my emails.
What a beautiful tribute to John. I think I may have told you my memory of meeting him was his children, climbing up his legs and doing somersaults in their yard at Little Compton. He seemed very nice but a bit shy, and his children obviously adored him.
I can’t imagine your grief, losing your sister and now your brother. For all his outstanding achievements, I’m so glad he saw when it was time to move away from the danger of climbing! That allowed him a “second life”—to find his wife and have two beautiful children, as well as accomplish many other things.
Such a loss but love leaves you beautiful memories to treasure. Thank you for sharing some of those memories here. I continue to pray for you, his wife and children, as you move through life without John, while carrying him always in your heart. Much love, Debbie
This was such a powerfully beautiful tribute to your precious brother and our Living God who knows the number or hairs on our heads and the number of our days Amy. I am moved to tears for many reasons but with ALL the sadness in this world for many reasons, truly this is the message and hope we have to give the world around us. Gently powerfully acknowledging that eternity awaits and is the beginning of no end to LIFE! Real Life! With our Living Loving God in ALL his Beauty and Majesty.
THANK you!!! I would love to copy this article for many young people I know who have walked away from the treasure imparted to them as young children!
May our King comfort you second by second and day by day! He bottles those tears Amy.
Amy thank you so much for sharing this story, which I know was not easy. Much condolences on the unexpected passing of your brother. I attended your breakout session at the CMDA National Convention in 2023 in which you shared about the loss of your sister and how to deal with grief. Your session helped me process the grief of a recent loss of a friend and the passing of my brother not too long ago. I also shared my notes from your session with some friends who found it so helpful. Your writing and sharing is part of God’s redemptive process as He has used it to help others. Life is indeed to be treasured and valued. Thank you again.
Hi Amy,
What a beautiful reflection of your brother and your love for him. Your transparency and vulnerability are breath-taking. God bless you and your many good memories of this brave, adventurous, kind man.
Thank you.
Bob Cranston