ACOG Doesn’t Speak on My Behalf
March 7, 2024

by Steven A. Foley, MD
I wanted to take this opportunity to respond to the statement the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) made on the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
In this statement, ACOG is calling for “the ability of every patient to access abortion when they need it…,” while further claiming that “abortion is an essential part of comprehensive healthcare.” As a practicing OB/Gyn, I again cannot stand by and let this organization speak on my behalf.
My first issue with ACOG’s news release is their assertion that women deserve the right to subjectively terminate their pregnancy out of convenience. The only patients who need the termination of pregnancy are mothers whose lives are at risk. There are no laws, or even legal confusion, that would prevent a doctor from adequately treating these women. Also, there is no reason to take a baby’s life before delivery.
When discussing legislation and its involvement in medicine, we also understand the government will need to be involved when evidence shows the medical community is putting patients at risk. When the most vulnerable of our society are at risk of losing their lives, the government must be involved. This is a no-brainer.
Another issue I take with ACOG’s statement is their claim that abortion is part of reproductive healthcare, without defining “healthcare.” Pregnancy is not a disease, and there is no evidence abortion has anything to do with healthcare. ACOG also claims there is a devastating cost to pregnant patients and communities who have limited access to abortions, but they do not provide any evidence or data to support this claim. Lastly, ACOG has also shown agreement with aborting handicapped children. Is this not ableism?
As a practicing OB/Gyn and member of both the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and CMDA, I am comforted there are organizations still continuing to support legislation protecting the most vulnerable of our population, as well as fight back against the one-sided and disillusioned belief that abortion is healthcare.
Very nicely stated, Steve! Keep up the good work.