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Advertising Information
CMDA Today is a full-color quarterly magazine devoted to today's issues in healthcare, including inspirational testimonies from fellow Christian healthcare professionals, public policy updates, glimpses into the future of healthcare and examples of how to integrate faith into your practice. This award-winning journal features articles by many widely known speakers, authors, ethicists and leaders in Christian healthcare, such as Walt Larimore, Edmund Pelligrino, and Richard Swenson.
Our website currently offers classified advertising priced as the same as in the classified ads section of CMDA Today. If you choose to advertise in both CMDA Today and on our website, there is only an additional fee of $50.00. You can send us your ad at [email protected] and we will post it online for you once payment is made.
CMDA members receive 50% off of classified ads and 30% off of display ads.
Payment for advertising can be done through our website here. When you use our online secure form, you will need to change the amount to other and type in the amount for the ad. For questions, contact Mandi Morrin or call 423-844-1095.