An Autumn Cold

December 17, 2024

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send. And who will go for us?’

And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8, NIV).


We housed a college girl during fall break this year, and, unfortunately, she developed a viral bronchitis. She was mildly ill, but very focused on her health, wanting a thermometer at her bedside so she would know when to take her Tylenol. She asked if we could test her for COVID. I told her we would if she wished, but we normally don’t in low-risk individuals since it doesn’t change our management. I then quoted to her what I tell my fellows often, “Never perform a diagnostic test that doesn’t lead to a therapeutic decision.”


Our healthcare practices are filled with diagnostic tests that never lead to a change in care, often with significant cost. I think of all the CMPs, CBCs and CT scans I order for routine patient follow-ups.


My spiritual practice is often that way as well: practice without resultant change—specifically thinking of prayer, Bible study, worship and fellowship. I may practice each and feel better, but rarely do I live differently because of that practice.


When I pray, I thank God, praise God, ask for forgiveness and ask for help. But do I change? Do I come before the God of Creation and become different? Am I a more grateful person, more confident of His grace, more determined not to sin, bolder in my witness, more committed to becoming a part of His answer to my prayers?


When I read His Word, does it only influence my head and heart, and slip past my feet and tongue? Does it change my conversation with patients or colleagues that day? Do I give more to the poor and speak out for the oppressed? Do I drop a sin He has shown me?


When I worship, am I there for my blessing only? Do I regain an understanding of who He is and who I am? Do I rejoice and tremble and walk out of that service more dedicated to serve His kingdom rather than mine? Has He given me a mission for that week?


When I last joined my Christian brothers and sisters in fellowship, did I commit to helping one who was struggling? Did I hear a story of witness that compelled me to speak the name of Jesus on my next hospital rounds? Did I choose someone to hold me accountable in my personal struggles?


Our spiritual experiences are not just for warm, encouraging feelings. They are meant to change us, to help us become more like Christ and more committed to His mission for our lives.


“Never perform a diagnostic test that doesn’t lead to a therapeutic decision.” Never enter a spiritual experience without hoping to live differently because of our time with God.


Dear God,

Remind me to bow my head before any encounter with you and ask you to change me.


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