American Medical Association Meeting: June 2019

Your assistance is critically needed on two items at the American Medical Association meeting. One, the AMA will vote at its June 8-12 annual meeting in Chicago on assisted suicide, specifically to affirm the slightly revised Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) report. Two, New Mexico has submitted Resolution 020 (A-19) for Engaged Neutrality

Your assistance is critically needed on two items at the American Medical Association meeting. One, the AMA will vote at its June 8-12 annual meeting in Chicago on assisted suicide, specifically to affirm the slightly revised Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) report which can be read at this link. Two, New Mexico has submitted Resolution 020 (A-19) for Engaged Neutrality which can be read here as it refers to the Physician-Assisted Suicide position statement in an effort to speak against the CEJA report.

Members of the AMA

  1. If you are a Delegate, please attend the June 8-12 meeting to speak and vote in favor of the CEJA Report which reaffirms AMA Code of Medical Ethics provisions in opposition to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and against the New Mexico Resolution.
  2. If you are not a Delegate, please join other physicians who plan to testify in favor of the CEJA report at the Sunday, June 9thfrom 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm in Regency Ballroom C.
  3. Please comment at the online forum on the AMA website to express your support of the CEJA report. This testimony is carefully reviewed and compiled by AMA staff and has equal weight to onsite live testimony.
    • To comment on the forum click on this link or paste into your browser:
    • Then scroll down to “Online Forums” and click that, which takes you to the Online Forum list.
    • In the second box entitled “Committee on Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws” click on “CEJA Reports”.
    • Then click on the first topic: “Physician-Assisted Suicide.” At this point you’ll be prompted to sign in or create an account if you don’t have one already.

Non-Members of the AMA

  1. Consider joining the AMA so that you can participate in the above activities.  It is very easy to join at
  2. Contact House of Delegate members in your state and ask them to attend and vote in favor of the CEJA report and against the New Mexico Resolution.
  3. The AMA allows the groups and organizations to be entitled to a seat(s) in the AMA House of Delegates.  If you are a member of a specialty organization, please consider asking for a seat in the House of Delegates for the June meeting.

Serving Him with you,

David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)
CEO, Christian Medical & Dental Associations

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