Key Result Area

Introducing CMDA's Community

Our outreach ministries are dedicated to transforming the lives of healthcare professionals just like you through evangelism and discipleship.


The core of CMDA’s ministry happens in local communities where healthcare professionals, residents and students live out the character of Christ.

What Area(s) of CMDA Are You Interested In Learning About?


If you would like more information on CMDA community areas, simply drop us your name and email address in the form, and select the areas of interest. You will receive a reply from each ministry area you select containing more details and ways to connect.


By dropping us this form, several of these ministries will provide you a free download of one of their recent newsletters or other free resource. We look forward to hearing from you!

Get More Information About CMDA Community

I would like to learn more about:

CMDA Student Life transparent

Campus & Community Ministries:


Our network of more than 300 campus chapters and 90 local graduate ministries provide opportunities for you to connect and live out your Christian faith in your practice, on your campus and in your community.

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Specialty Sections:


Organized by volunteer members of CMDA, Specialty Sections give you the chance to equip, network and fellowship with colleagues in your specific healthcare specialty.

Dental Ministries:

CMDA’s Dental Ministries is dedicated to encouraging and supporting dental professionals and students as they strive to integrate their faith into all aspects of their lives, while providing opportunities for training and equipping.

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Women Physicians and Dentists in Christ (WPDC):

A ministry that encourages and supports Christian women physicians and dentists in the unique challenges women face. It is a key resource for women in integrating their personal, professional and spiritual lives.

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Side By Side:

A network of about 100 local chapters to encourage, support and minister to women in healthcare marriages through fellowship, Bible study and prayer. Each local chapter meets the unique and individual needs of its community.


Key Result Area

Introducing CMDA's Advocacy

As you are probably aware, one core aspect of CMDA’s mission is our dedication to serving as a Christian voice on today's healthcare topics by speaking to the government, media, church and public on behalf of our members. We fight for the rights of Christian healthcare professionals daily.

Are you equipped to stand?


We encourage you to pray about how God is calling you to get involved. As a healthcare professional, your voice carries weight—and we need that weight and expertise as we stand together to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world through advocacy.

Are you equipped to stand?

We encourage you to pray about how God is calling you to get involved. As a healthcare professional, your voice carries weight—and we need that weight and expertise as we stand together to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world through advocacy.

Advocacy on Your Behalf: Protecting Conscience in Healthcare

Respect for conscientiously held beliefs of individuals and for individual differences is an essential part of our free society.

Case Study in Advocacy Success: South Carolina MED Act

How a one-and-half-year hard-fought state advocacy engagement delivered conscience protections for South Carolina healthcare professionals.

American Academy of Medical Ethics Fact Sheet

The American Academy of Medical Ethics (AAME) is a DBA of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA).


Key Result Area

Introducing CMDA's Service

The third core aspect of CMDA’s ministry efforts is service. And that includes all of the opportunities we have available for you to use your God-given skills to serve the needs of others around the world and share the gospel with them.


It means following God’s call…wherever that leads, whether it’s across the street or around the world.

Want more information?  A free resource download?  Maybe both?


If you would like more information on CMDA service related resources, simply drop us your name and email address in the form and select the ministry(s) you would like to hear from.


By dropping us this form, several of these ministries will provide you a free download of one of their recent newsletters or other free resources within minutes!


We look forward to hearing from you!

Get More Information About CMDA Service Areas

I would like to learn more about:

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Center for Advancing Healthcare Ministries:


This outreach mobilizes and supports long-term healthcare missionaries as they use their skills to help people encounter Jesus in the U.S. and around the world.

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Global Health Outreach:


A short-term missions program that sends 40 to 50 mission teams around the world each year to disciple participants, grow national churches, share the gospel and provide care to the poor.

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Medical Education International:

A short-term missions program that sends around 40 teaching teams each year to advance medical, dental, bioethical and educational knowledge while sharing the gospel.

Mei Teaching

Key Result Area

Introducing CMDA's Equipping

In Ephesians 4:11-12, Paul talks about those receiving Christ-given gifts and how it is, “Their responsibility to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (NLT).


The resources we provide are specifically designed to equip you to integrate your faith into your practice.

Want more information?  A free resource download?  Maybe both?


If you would like more information on CMDA equipping resources, would like to suggest a CMDA resource for the future, or simply would like a free electronic PDF copy of Leadership Proverbs: Wisdom for Today's Leaders, simply drop us your name and email address in the form and you will receive the resource within minutes!

Leadership Proverbs, by David Stevens, MD (Ethics) and Pastor Bert Jones. Proverbs are not only an enduring form of communication; they are one of the most viral. They are easily memorized. They change behavior and enhance skills. They are readily passed on to others. They are the germs of an infectious leadership movement.

Comments, Suggestions, and a Free eCopy of Leadership Proverbs:

CMDA Learning Center:


A variety of original continuing education courses that provide medically reliable, biblically sound knowledge to equip you in your practice.




Check out the weekly CMDA Matters podcast, the Dental Sound Bytes podcast, the CMDA Student Pulse podcast and more.

Podcast Apps

CMDA Publications:

You can find something to fit your needs, such as e-newsletters for your specialty, Weekly Devotions to encourage you or The Point blog to inform you on the latest ethical topics. CMDA Today is your quarterly magazine devoted to today’s issues in healthcare, Faith Prescriptions can help you share your faith and Bridging the Gap equips you to speak truth into ethical issues.

Play Video

CMDA Go! & Student Life Mobile Apps:

Our two mobile apps, CMDA Go and CMDA Student Life, give you access to the latest CMDA news and help you connect with other CMDA members.

Conferences & Events:

We host a variety of local, regional and national conferences around the country each year, including the popular CMDA National Convention.

Speaker Bureau
Lifetime Member Resources

CMDA Life & Health Resources:

Our online store, which includes books published by CMDA, healthcare missions related books, books on hot topic issues, CMDA logo wear and more.