Advancing Healthcare Missions
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Dr. Doug Lindberg joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss the new Center for Advancing Healthcare Missions.

Meet Our Guest(s):

Dr. Doug Lindberg is the new Director for the Center for Advancing Healthcare Missions at CMDA. He is a family physician and continues to work part time in urgent care just outside Milwaukee. He is married to Ruth and they have two children- Maddie (11) and James (8). His family served as missionaries for 4 years in Nepal, where Doug was the medical director at a small mission hospital. They have been back in the US since 2013, when they returned from Nepal for what was intended to be a one-year home assignment. During that time, Ruth was diagnosed with stage IV carcinoma of unknown primary, which later was found to be endometrial cancer. She is now miraculously cancer free for over five years. They had been praying for ways to re-engage vocationally with healthcare missions and are absolutely delighted to step into this opportunity with CMDA.
- Center for Advancing Healthcare Missions
- On Being a Missionary: Revised Edition by Thomas Hale and Gene Daniels
- Praying for Your Missionary: How Prayers from Home Can Reach the Nations by Eddie Byun
- Remedy Conference