Crying Out for Momma

January 31, 2023
Crying Out for Momma

“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4, NIV).

He is 87 years old and may not live to 88 with the tumor inside of him. “I’ve lived a good life,” he said, and then began to lay that out for me. He entered Air Rescue at the age of 17 during the Korean conflict and served in Korea, bringing the wounded out of harm’s way. During those days he developed a close friendship with a young, black Army soldier, when friendship between the races was not widely accepted. He recounted the time he landed at one particular battlefield. His friend was wounded and laying at a distance in the dark. No one could go out to save him because the North Koreans were targeting rescue squads. My patient told how he could hear him crying for help and nobody came. “Finally, I heard him cry out for his momma, and that was the end.”

There does come a time chronologically when we can no longer work with God to help bring others to safety with Him.

There is a day when we no longer will be able to ask God to save the person for whom we care.

It may be their death, or ours, or our last parting with them toward different lives in this world, but someday will be our last day to share Christ with someone who will die forever if they do not know Him.

Who is that person for me? What day will be my last day to introduce them to the only One who matters forever? Who will I leave on life’s battlefield crying out in the dark, until they are silent?

Dear Father,
Let me be a faithful witness to those you have placed on my heart. Let it not be too late.

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