Doctor Tears

July 20, 2022

“Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25, ESV).

I stopped him as we left the morning worship service at our CMDA National Convention. I needed someone to take a picture of me and a friend. He did, and then I heard his story. He is a family medicine physician in a small town. His partner died in the COVID-19 epidemic, as did a doctor in the nearby county. He was forced to absorb all their patients or leave them without healthcare, leaving him now totally overwhelmed, isolated and overburdened with no relief in sight. He teared up as he spoke of our recent worship service, “I needed this.”

Doctors and other healthcare workers need each other. We need each other uniting in Christ and focused on Christ…some because we are isolated and overwhelmed like this physician…all because we need to change.

We need to learn from each other what it means to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

We need to recognize our sin by hearing our colleagues confess their own.

We need to hold each other accountable.

We need to encourage each other and share life lessons to help each other overcome circumstances too hard for one to overcome alone.

We need to catch from each other a new vision of missional life, a life where we live for others more than for ourselves.

We need to learn from each other the intricacies of practicing our trade in ways that glorify God and bring others to Christ.

Whether it’s at national conventions, or small groups, or in corners of our churches, we need to gather and grow and learn again how to pour ourselves out for Christ.

We certainly need to commune in churches with all who are there, but we also need to commune intentionally with Christian healthcare professionals, because we need to be nurtured by those who understand. No one could have understood this doctor’s tears with the same depth of understanding as another physician.

It is incredibly valuable to gather with Christians from all backgrounds. That’s the church. But we also need to gather with those who understand us best…so that we may fine tune our lives for Jesus and provide each other with the strength to live it.

Dear Father,
Let me intentionally spend time with those in my profession who are focused on you.

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