A webinar series hosted by Christian Medical & Dental Associations
and The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Through The Convergence, CMDA joins together with The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary to discuss topics important to today’s leaders in healthcare and in the church. Each webinar includes a panel of experts to discuss topics such as the beginning of life, pregnancy after Roe v. Wade, neuroscience and more.
Past Webinars
"Critical Conversations on Pregnancy After Roe"
with Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. Sandy Christiansen and Roland Warren
"Critical Conversations on Pregnancy After Roe"
with Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. Sandy Christiansen and Roland Warren
"Engaging in Challenging Times"
with Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. David Bolender
"Engaging the Beginning of Human Life"
with Jeff Barrows, DO, MA (Ethics), and Mary Beth Jewell, MD
"Neuroscience of the Soul"
with Dr. Darrell Bock, Ekpedeme Wade, MD, LPC, and Karl Benzio, MD
with Dr. Darrell Bock; Fazale Rana, PhD; William P. Cheshire, MD; and C. Ben Mitchell, PhD
The Misnamed “Conversion Therapy"
with Bill Hendricks, Dr. Laura Haynes and Dr. Gary Barnes
The Church and Science in a COVID World