Welcome Message from Gene Rudd, MD
Welcome to CMDA Encore. You will see that our Mission and Vision Statements piggyback on the overall Mission and Vision of CMDA. Our unique goal is to motivate colleagues who are facing or experiencing retirement from healthcare careers to see our lives as just important to Kingdom service as in the days of our youth. We want to encourage you to be diligent in serving our Lord, whether through one the many CMDA opportunities, or through other ministries. And we want to equip you for the task.
Join us on this journey into the “prime time” of our lives!
Mission Statement
CMDA Encore motivates, educates and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God, even in retirement years.
Vision Statement
Transformed retired healthcare professionals, transforming the world.
Newsletters & Materials
September 2020
The number of days God gives us differ from person to person, but the amount of time in each day is the same to all of us. We are equally gifted....
March 2020
Being “present” is the lives of others is so important that God allowed His Son to humble Himself, become a man and live among us so that we might be reconciled to Him....
December 2019
In this edition of CMDA Encore, I want to focus on the option of staying involved (to some degree) with our healthcare skills. God will no doubt guide some of us to do so.
August 2019
God has allowed us to see the fruit of this labor. Many of you have responded letting us know how Encore has stimulated you to consider God’s plan for this phase of your life.
May 2019
“A Repeat Performance for an Audience of One,” is intended to focus our attention on the mission of every believer: we are to bring glory to God.
February 2019
The fourth quarter of your life provides wonderful opportunities for personal growth and ministry. We trust this new resource will encourage you, stimulate your thinking and help you grow in your walk with Christ.