FCO Missions Opportunities

Global Health Outreach® offers many opportunities for optometry healthcare providers to participate in medical missions. For more information and to find a trip, click here.
Global Health Outreach is a short-term international missions program dedicated to providing healthcare while spreading the gospel by sending medical, dental, vision and surgical teams around the world. Each year, we send 40 to 50 teams around the world to countries including El Salvador, East Africa, India, the Pacific, Central Asia, Nicaragua, the Middle East and many others. Through these trips, we disciple participants, grow national churches, share the gospel and provide care to the poor and needy.
We partner with those who are focused on ministering to unreached people groups in challenging areas around the world, where we share our Savior’s love in deed. Many teams also serve the needy in the Americas, where open evangelism and discipleship in both word and deed is possible. Consider participating on a Global Health Outreach short-term mission trip; you can find a listing of our trips at www.ghotrips.org and additional information at www.cmda.org/gho.
Christian Eye Network has ongoing mission opportunities at christianeye.net.
His Eyes works in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and beyond in several different areas, including a multiple focus clinic including optometry. Short term optometry teams have been part of what we do on an ongoing basis for 20 years, serving in Tegucigalpa and primarily in rural areas within a few hours of the city that have no access to such services. www.hiseyeshonduras.com
Ret. Pray. Love. Foundation
Christ-Centered. Eyecare. Ministry. We envision a world in which everyone has better sight, both physically and spiritually. Our ministry is to share the Gospel of God's love by providing education and eyecare in underserved areas throughout the world. Ret.Pray.Love.Foundation has led several trips to Nigeria, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Belize, and Peru. We strive to aid eyecare providers through education and interactive/hands-on learning . Our goal while on the mission field is to empower people to self-manage ocular health needs. We partner with local health authorities and spiritual leaders to form a bridge from physical health to spiritual well-being through prayer and connection to the local church. For more information, please visit our website: retpraylovefoundation.org.
Vision Outreach International is assisting Jeff Becraft, OD in organizing a faith-based mission trip to Haiti July 12-19, 2019. We are in need of one or two more optometrists to complete the team. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Becraft, OD at [email protected] or call him at 269-876-9039.
We will be providing optical eye care in two locations in Haiti. Both locations will be tied to schools so we will primarily be providing eye care for students. Our objective is to show the love of Christ through eye care and share the love of Christ through Gospel presentations. We will be working with the local organizations for follow up/discipleship.
Posted by Roger W. Cabe, MNA, Executive Director, Vision Outreach International Inc.
Optometry Missions Opportunity to Limao Verde, Brazil
Anh-Dai Nguyen who ministers with Open Arms Worldwide is seeking to put together a medical team to care for the Terena Indians at Limao Verde Brazil. Two of their greatest needs are dental and eye care, especially glasses. For more information, contact [email protected].
Christian Vision Eye Services to Haiti has need of both short and long term O.D. staffing of our primary care optometry clinic. We have weeks available every month of the year. Please contact us for details. We would love to host a short student trip. If your FCO chapter would like to partner on this opportunity, please Lori Geddes, OD at this address.
Christian Vision Eye Services to Haiti is associated with FCO.
Lori Geddes, O.D. Director of Clinical Services | [email protected] | 612-812-5571
David A. Geddes, AuD Administrative Director | [email protected] | 612-418-3172
Mission opportunities that appear on this page are not necessarily sponsored by FCO, International, but are listed at the request of the sponsoring organizations or agencies. Listing here does not constitute an endorsement of the listing agency, its purpose or goals. Persons responding to these opportunities should inform themselves about the nature and qualifications of the organizations or agencies involved.