I Need to Do Better

March 5, 2024

“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil…” (James 5:14, NIV).


He is one of our few remaining World War II heroes at 97—a retired pastor, still alert, able to walk with a cane, writing great stories about his life and sharing wisdom that only comes with experience. His blood disease is stable. He still has much in this life he wants to accomplish. I felt led to place my hand on his shoulder and ask if I could pray for him. As he left, his eyes were moist, “I’ve been to a lot of doctors, some of them Christian. You are the first one that ever prayed for me that way.”


I don’t look at this with pride that the Lord led me to pray. I had known him for a year and before now had never prayed with him. I look at it with sadness that others had not. 97 years, doctor after doctor. He had obviously had good doctors—he was 97. Many had been followers of Christ.


It is vital that we practice excellent medicine, that we touch and care with the character of Christ, as I am sure most Christ-followers do. However, the additional responsibilities to speak the gospel and pray with our patients are hard for me.


I look back on the hundreds of patients with whom I have never prayed. Certainly, God had whispered in my ear on some of those visits. Did I not hear? Did I hear and not obey?


So many times, when I have prayed with patients, I have been personally blessed.


  • Many came to trust me at a different level.
  • Some were overwhelmed that anyone might pray for them.
  • Often, they would hold my hand and not let go until they had asked God’s blessings for my life.
  • Sometimes, years later, a family member would contact me, “I just wanted to let you know how important that was for ____ as he went through his struggle.”
  • Occasionally that prayer was a stepping stone on one’s road to finding Christ.


It is never about me. It has never been my will to pray, or my power to overcome the voice that tells me to be silent. My part has only been to listen for His whisper and to obey, to bring my patient, or friend, or stranger with me before the throne of God, where He knows, He cares, He can and He chooses.


I need to do better.


Dear Father,

Help me to pray with those you choose and to always listen for your nudge to do so.


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