Letting Go of the Miracle

August 24, 2022

“‘Then neither do I condemn you’ Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin’” (John 8:11b, NIV).

I had managed his lymphoma for a few years. The task had been difficult due to his drug problem affecting his compliance—I almost lost him twice, but he is in good shape now.

He understood what was going on and commented, “God has given me a miracle.”

I responded, “You bet; just don’t let go of the miracle.”

He knew from experience what I meant.

So many of us have been saved from so much by God.

When I think of the tragedies that have been averted in my life, the sins I have dipped my toe in without drowning, the subtle attractions of pride and greed and even the apathy toward Christ that comes from being over-blessed, I recognize the miracle of God’s deliverance through His power and mercy. Even so, as God delivers me over and over, I need to realize that God’s deliverance comes with the words of Christ to the woman caught in adultery, “Go, and sin no more.”

Whatever we have got ourselves into by following our natural self rather than God’s Spirit, we can know God is there to lead us back into His favor. However, with that miracle of God’s mercy comes a responsibility to change, to somehow turn, to become more intentional about following God’s plan, to make life changes that will make us less likely to stray again, to take concrete steps with resolute determination, trusting we will succeed because “…it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13, NIV). God’s deliverance ignites our responsibility to change.

We must not let go of the miracle when God delivers us from our failures.

Dear God,
Thank you for being there always to bring me home when I have stepped away. What changes do I need to make in my life that will make it harder to turn from your path?

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