Mission in the Mess

May 28, 2024

“…Instead I am single-minded: Forgetting the things that are behind and reaching out for the things that are ahead, with this goal in mind, I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14, NET).


A young doctor stopped me outside the conference hall hoping that my gray hairs were a worthwhile surrogate for wisdom. His deep personal concern was a common one. As an incredibly busy physician with young children, he wanted to know how to live out God’s mission for his life within the overwhelming time and work pressures he was experiencing. I shared a few spontaneous thoughts that may have been helpful. I was personally blessed to see someone with a heart yearning to serve our King.


After he left, I spent more time sorting out things I wish I had shared, advice that would have been honest, helpful and Godly. How do we accomplish God’s mission for our lives when we are overwhelmed by time pressures and personal responsibility? How do we find mission in the mess?


Some of the things I wish I had told him:


  1. You’re okay. Not in the sense that you are not hurting, or that your situation is not overwhelming, but in the sense that “God’s got this.” Your heart is seeking Him. He is not confused or surprised by your circumstances. His power reigns, and He holds you in His hands. He loves you and will overcome anything that stands in the way of His plan for your life if you seek him with all your heart. You are okay.
  2. Abide in Christ, use your brain and serve where you are. Evaluate your present situation with the mind of Christ and the presence of Christ. God wants to weave His mission within your present circumstances. Every season in life is both purposeful and preparatory. There are people He wants you to touch, words He wants you to speak, goals He wants you to achieve within your present situation that He would not have touched, spoken or achieved in less overwhelming times. Those around you need to know how Christians do it. Each day focus on the mission in front of you, doing the best job possible, living out the character of Christ, seeking to speak the message of Christ. In all circumstances, seek to reach beyond the mundane and ask, “What is God doing?”
  3. Find a coach, counselor, pastor, spouse or trusted friend to help sort things out. We are the church and not on mission alone. If you are married, share your mission dreams with each other, early and often.
  4. If the pressures are too great, leak some steam from your pressure cooker. Evaluate your present commitments. Seek one thing you can remove from your responsibilities. If God gives you permission to cut it out, do so.
  5. Be patient with God. He is patient with you. You may or may not accomplish the mission of your dreams, but one day you will look back in amazement at all He has accomplished through your heart for Him and desire to serve.
  6. Keep praying. When God taps you on the shoulder, step forward and serve, whatever it takes.


Dear Father,

Let me continue to accomplish your plan where you have placed me as I seek to find the mission ahead, not for personal fulfillment, but for you alone.


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