
April 16, 2024

“When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken” (Acts 2:6, NIV).


He was cancer free but suffering from complications of therapy. “This ain’t nothing,” he declared. “In the 80s I was shooting up drugs every day. I would find myself watching my hand inject the drugs and tell it to stop, but it wouldn’t. I even tried to commit suicide. I took an extra-large dose of the drug and injected it. Nothing happened. So, I repeated the injection and nothing happened. I told myself that God didn’t want me dead. I found Christ and have never gone back to the drugs.”


“I found Christ and….”


How would you complete this statement?


It’s certainly different for each of us.


As we can learn from the experience of those at Pentecost, God speaks to each of us in our own language. God speaks “me” to me.


His truth never changes, nor does His character or promises, nor His work through the church, but He does come to each of us where we most need Him, with words that sometimes only we can understand.


God accomplishes specific things for and through each of as individuals, as distinct notes in His symphony of redemption.


Thus, it is vital that we know how to finish this sentence, “I found Christ and….”


If we cannot complete it for ourselves, why are we following Him?


If we cannot tell ourselves what Christ has done for us, how can we share Him with those who have never met Him?


Pray silently for one minute and then complete: “I found Christ and….”


Dear Father, dear Christ, dear Holy Spirit,

Let me ever be mindful of what you have done for me.


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