Being “On Mission” in the United States

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Dr. Mike Chupp is joined on this week’s CMDA Matters episode by Drs. David and Janet Kim from Beacon Christian Community Health Center in New York to talk about how their work with patients has changed since the beginning of the pandemic. They also share how they focus on being “on mission” here in the U.S. is important as God brings the nations to them in their practice.


Meet Our Guest

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Dr. David Kim is Chief Executive Officer and Dr. Janet Kim is Chief Medical Officer at Beacon Christian Community Health Center.  They are the co-founders of Beacon, which missionally serves an underserved, diverse population in Staten Island, New York City. They have a heart for bringing Jesus into the exam room, and they have spent many years hosting, teaching, training and mentoring students, residents and fellow medical colleagues in hopes of raising a new generation of healthcare professionals who will practically live out their faith in their work and life. Beacon has lived out its Jeremiah 29:7 commitment to “shalom” for its community by taking the lead locally and regionally in handling such crises as H1N1, Superstorm Sandy and, most recently, COVID-19.



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