Bill Geiger, MD: Retired But Not Finished Yet
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Dr. Bill Geiger, long-time CMDA member and the CMDA Tennessee State Representative joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s podcast. Dr. Geiger shares his testimony how he survived medical school and residency and how he is paying it forward now in his retirement years.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Dr. Bill Geiger graduated from The Ohio State University College of Medicine in 1972 and completed a family medicine residency in Akron, Ohio. After residency, he served two years in the U.S. Navy Medical Corp, then established a private practice in Mansfield, Ohio. In 1989, he started his 28-year academic family medicine career, eventually serving as program director of residency programs in both Toledo, Ohio and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He joined CMDA in 1972 and has served as an advisor to student CMDA groups in Toledo, Milwaukee and Columbus, Ohio. He retired in 2018 and now resides with his wife Lynn near Knoxville, Tennessee.