Christian Academic Physicians & Scientists
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The Co-Chairs of CMDA’s specialty section Christian Academic Physicians & Scientists (CAPS) Dr. Kim-Lien Nguyen and Dr. David Larson join Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s podcast discussing this important specialty section what it is, what it is doing and what it hopes to do.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Kim-Lien Nguyen, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine & Radiology, Physics & Biology in Medicine Graduate Program, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Co-Chair, Christian Academic Physicians & Scientists – Dr. Nguyen is an Assistant Professor of Medicine, Radiology, and Biomedical Physics at UCLA. As a practicing non-invasive cardiologist, she serves veterans and directs the cardiovascular MRI program at West Los Angeles VA Medical Center. As a physician-scientist, the focus of her research is on the development, translation, and application of cardiovascular imaging techniques, specifically magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography. She collaborates with data scientists and industry partners to advance precision medicine. Her funded research focuses on the use of iron-oxide nanoparticles in ischemic heart disease. Her work has been published in leading imaging journals and her lab receives grant support from the American Heart Association, the National Institutes of Health, and the Veterans Health Administration. Dr. Nguyen also engages the public through her writing in the general media including USA Today, Forbes, Medical Economics, and STAT News. She attends Pacific Crossroads Church, has a cat, and enjoys afternoon tea.