Special Christmas Message from Dr. John Patrick

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On this week’s special episode of CMDA Matters, Dr. John Patrick shares a special Christmas story with us, as we take time to sit back and focus on the true reason for the season, to ground ourselves in the truth of Christ’s birth.


Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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John Patrick, MD, studied medicine at Kings College, London and St. George’s Hospital, London in the United Kingdom. He has held appointments in Britain, the West Indies and Canada. At the University of Ottawa, Dr. Patrick was Associate Professor in Clinical Nutrition in the Department of Biochemistry and Pediatrics for 20 years. Today he is President and Professor at Augustine College and speaks to Christian and secular groups around the world, communicating effectively on medical ethics, culture, public policy and the integration of faith and science. Connect with Dr. Patrick at johnpatrick.ca. You can also learn more about his work with Augustine College at augustinecollege.org.



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