Faithfully Serving and Impacting Cuba
On this week’s episode of CMDA Matters, Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by Dr. Robert Lerer, a pediatric physician, to discuss his work with CMDA’s Medical Education International in Cuba, the country he once fled as a teenager.
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Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Dr. Robert Lerer graduated with honors from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1970. Following a three-year pediatric residency at Yale, he accepted a position with Pediatric Associates of Fairield in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition to his private practice, he was elected in 1975 to serve as the Commissioner of Public Health in Butler County, a part-time position he held for 43 years. He remains a consultant to his local health department and an associate professor of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Dr. Lerer has volunteered to serve on short-term mission missions for more than 30 years, and he has traveled to serve the Lord in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Americas. Since 1997, he has led teams from Caring Partners International and from CMDA to teach in Cuba, where his family lived for 14 years. Dr. Lerer is married to Janis, a nurse and social worker, and also a missionary who has accompanied him in more than 50 medical mission trips to Cuba and elsewhere. They have two sons and two daughters.