Living Courageously as One of the Marginalized

On this episode, we catch up with an internationally known speaker, and someone who will be joining us on stage at this year’s CMDA National Convention, Ryan Bomberger. Our conversation includes the incredible story of a man who truly epitomizes a “life redeemed,” not just in his spiritual life, but his mortal life as well. Join us now and listen to Ryan Bomberger describe his journey to become a voice of opposition against victimhood mentality, critical race theory, DEI and anti-race theory. It’s a fascinating discussion.


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Now is the time to REGISTER for the 2025 CMDA National Convention! Over a thousand healthcare professionals from all over the country will gather to uphold truth and to enjoy heartfelt community together. You’ll see and hear from Ryan Bomberger at our special Saturday evening plenary session, and be inspired, I believe by his graphic media presentation.  Register today at NATCON.CMDA.ORG.

Meet Our Guest

Ryan Bomberger Radiance Foundation

Ryan Bomberger is an Emmy® Award-winning creative professional, international public speaker, columnist, and factivist. He is the author of the powerful book, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong, and ground-breaking illustrated children’s books, He is He and She is She. Ryan is the co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of, a life-affirming organization that illuminates that every human life has purpose. Ryan has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of purpose. He was the first of ten children who were adopted in a diverse family of fifteen. He is married to his amazing wife, Bethany (also the cofounder of Radiance) and has four awesome kiddos. Today, he loves creating culture-shifting content that is fearless, factual and freeing.

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