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Sandy Christiansen, MD, FACOG, is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and a passionate advocate for the sacredness of human life—Imago Dei—from conception to natural death. After completing her residency at the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Dr. Christiansen worked in private practice until called into pro-life work. She is the national medical director for Care Net, the medical director for the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick, Maryland and an adjunct professor at Mount St. Mary’s University. Dr. Christiansen serves CMDA as the Maryland State Representative. She is also the Maryland State Director of the American Academy of Medical Ethics. She writes and speaks about fetal development, pregnancy, abortion and Hippocratic medicine, addressing a variety of forums, legislative bodies and national media outlets. She works toward a day when abortion will be unthinkable. Dr. Sandy and her husband Kyle are grateful followers of Jesus Christ and have three amazing sons and daughters-in-law, along with two precious grandchildren.

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