Ripple Effects in Africa
On this week’s CMDA Matters podcast, Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by three dedicated cardiac surgeons from three different countries who now work at the busiest heart surgery program in the nation of Kenya at Tenwek Hospital.

Meet Our Guest(s):

Dr. Russ White is the chief of surgery and the director of the cardiothoracic surgical training program at Tenwek Hospital. He has served as a medical missionary at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya for the last 25 years. He and his wife have five children, all of whom grew up on the mission field.

Dr. Arega Fekadu Leta is a cardiothoracic surgeon and the acting director of the cardiothoracic surgery program at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. He is an assistant professor of surgery with Loma Linda University in California, and he serves as faculty in the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS). He was born and grew up in Ethiopia, is married to his wife Bikiltu Kenna and is the father of three beautiful daughters.