Walking Ancient Roads with Christian Healthcare Professionals
On this week’s episode of CMDA Matters, Dr. Mike Chupp and George Courtney chat with Professor Mark Wilson about his work as founder and director of the Asia Minor Research Center and opportunities to participate in upcoming CMDA biblical tours.
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Meet Our Guest(s):

Mark Wilson is the founder and director of the Asia Minor Research Center in Antalya, Turkey, the country where he and his wife Dindy have lived since 2004. Mark received a doctorate in New Testament at the University of South Africa where he also serves as a Research Fellow. He is Professor Extraordinary of New Testament at Stellenbosch University. He is a member of many academic societies including the Society of Biblical Literature, Evangelical Theological Society and Society of New Testament Studies. Mark is the author of numerous books and articles including Biblical Turkey, Victory through the Lamb and The Spirit Said Go. His research interests include the books of Acts and Revelation as well as Roman roads and routes. He regularly leads biblical tours throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. He and Dindy have been married for 50 years, and they have four adult children, four grandsons and four granddaughters.