Darrell Bock: Cultural Intelligence

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Dr. Darrell Bock joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss his new book Cultural Intelligence.

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Dr. Darrell L. Bock is the executive director of Cultural Engagement and senior research professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He received his PhD from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Dr. Bock has earned recognition as a Humboldt Scholar (Tübingen University in Germany), is the author of more than 40 books, including well-regarded commentaries on Luke and Acts and studies of the historical Jesus, and works in cultural engagement as host of the seminary’s Table Podcasts. He was president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) for 2000 to 2001, is a consulting editor for Christianity Today and serves on the boards of Wheaton College and Chosen People Ministries. His articles appear in leading publications. He is often an expert for the media on New Testament issues. Dr. Bock has been a New York Times bestselling author in nonfiction and is elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Dallas. When traveling overseas, he will tune into the current game involving his favorite teams from Houston—live—even in the wee hours of the morning. Married for more than 40 years to Sally, he is a proud father of two daughters and a son and is also a grandfather.

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