David Goodman, MD: Medical Student Discipleship
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Dr. David Goodman joins Dr. Mike Chupp to describe his new Bible study curriculum.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Dr. David Goodman is a follower of Christ practicing obstetrics and gynecology in Orlando, Florida. He is married to Bethany Goodman, and together with their kids, they have a family mission to nurture the spiritual, emotional and physical health of all those in their sphere of influence. David was trained as an engineer at Clemson University and studied medicine and public health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He served the women of North Carolina while he was a resident at Wake Forest University and lived in Tanzania as a Fulbright scholar and Fogarty research fellow with Duke University’s Hubert Yeargan Center for Global Health. These days he is on faculty with a residency program in Orlando, and he directs the global health track for his program. He serves as the chairman of the OB/Gyn investigative task force with the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) and plans to make recurrent short-term trips to work with the OB/Gyn residency program at Tenwek Hospital once it begins in January 2021. David and Bethany disciple medical students at the University of Central Florida and love having medical student ministry be a major sphere of influence for their family.