Following the Call into Cross-cultural Missions

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Dr. Mike Chupp is joined on this week’s CMDA Matters episode by Dr. David Stevens and Dr. Greg Neal to discuss the Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative, a growing specialty section of CMDA that connects healthcare leaders with opportunities to connect with one another, as well as to serve the kingdom of God through cross-cultural missions.


Meet Our Guest

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David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics), previously served as CMDA’s CEO for 25 years, and he is now CEO Emeritus. Prior to his service with CMDA, Dr. Stevens served as medical director of World Medical Mission. From 1981 to 1991, Dr. Stevens was a missionary doctor at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya where he served as Medical Superintendent and Executive Officer. He is the author of Jesus, MD and Beyond Medicine, is co-author of Leadership Proverbs and Servant Leadership and writes many chapters and magazine articles. Dr. Stevens holds degrees from Asbury University and is an AOA graduate of the University of Louisville School of Medicine. He earned a master’s degree in bioethics from Trinity International University in 2002. He was a co-founder of the National Embryo Donation Center. Dr. Stevens and his wife Jody have a son, Jason, and two daughters, Jessica and Stacy, and 10 grandchildren.


Gregory L. Neal, DHA, MSHA, MBA, recently joined CMDA as Director of Healthcare Leadership. Dr. Neal brings to CMDA 30 years of executive leadership experience in multiple facets of the healthcare delivery system. He completed a doctorate in healthcare administration from the Medical University of South Carolina, and he earned his MSHA and MBA from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is co-founder and Director of CMDA’s Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative (CHEC) with an aim to connect and engage administrative healthcare leaders with opportunities to serve one another and the kingdom of God through a not-for-profit consulting service for missional healthcare professional organizations worldwide. Dr. Neal is also currently serving as Executive Vice President of Kanad Hospital in the United Arab Emirates. He and his wife Beth have been married for 33 years and have two daughters, Katie and Lauren.



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