Francis Smith, PhD: Wonderfully Made

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Dr. Francis Smith joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss his book Wonderfully Made.

Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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Dr. Francis Joel Smith is a PhD medical researcher in craniofacial development and is a world-renowned speaker, musician and advocate for those who suffer from craniofacial anomalies as he has. He has conducted extensive research for various colleges and schools of medicine, including visiting research experience. He has also published several peer-reviewed papers and abstracts and presented numerous presentations at several locations worldwide. A former student of Purdue University in Fort Wayne, Indiana and later the King’s College in London and the University of California San Francisco, Dr. Smith has gone on to be vastly successful as a current member of three professional memberships and through his speaking engagements/published works.

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