Fuz Rana: Humans 2.0
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Will technology usher in a new future, or have we gone too far? Unprecedented developments in bioengineering, biotechnology and biomedicine—breakthroughs that could improve the lives of people with debilitating diseases and injuries—can also serve as stepping-stones to technologies that can enhance human beings and alter human nature, raising fears about how biotechnologies could be misused. Should we discourage advances in biotechnology and bioengineering that can be used for human enhancement? Or should we take control of our own “evolution” and usher in a posthuman age? Is there another option?
In Humans 2.0, authors Fazale “Fuz” Rana and Kenneth Richard Samples open a window to the new world of human enhancement technologies and transhumanism, their promises, potential and pitfalls.
This week’s interview on CMDA Matters with Dr. Mike Chupp features Fazale “Fuz” Rana as we discuss this dilemma of technology.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Dr. Fazale “Fuz” R. Rana attended West Virginia State College and then Ohio University, where he earned a PhD in chemistry. His postdoctoral work was conducted at the Universities of Virginia and Georgia. He was a presidential scholar, was elected into two honor societies and won the Donald Clippinger Research Award twice at Ohio University. Fuz worked for seven years as a senior scientist in product development for Procter & Gamble before joining Reasons to Believe, where he now serves as vice president of research and apologetics.
He has published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, delivered presentations at international scientific meetings, and addressed church and university audiences in the United States and abroad. Fuz also co-authored a chapter on antimicrobial peptides for Biological and Synthetic Membranes, in addition to contributing numerous feature articles to Christian magazines. He appears frequently on podcasts, videos, television interviews and radio interviews. Some of his books include Origins of Life, The Cell’s Design, Who Was Adam? Creating Life in the Lab and Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth. Fuz and his wife Amy live in Southern California.