Global Missions Health Conference

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Will Rogers joins Dr. Mike Chupp and Dr. Doug Lindberg on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss the upcoming Global Missions Health Conference and the need for healthcare workers on the mission field.



Meet Our Guest(s):

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Will Rogers is a Kentucky boy who has spent half his life in the Bluegrass state and half in the mountains of Colorado. He finds his greatest peace on a mountain trail near a meandering river with people he loves. Will is the director of the annual Global Missions Health Conference at Southeast Christian Church, and his career has been spent working with organizations and businesses to develop engagement strategies for business growth. He’s been incredibly fortunate to have worked in nearly 50 countries and with dozens of organizations refining his skills to build better systems and strategies. He is blessed to have an amazing wife and three crazy boys that keep them quite busy chasing them down and running interference for their wild personalities. He is wired to assist leaders and organizations to construct sustainable and scalable models to see growth.


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