Jonathan Clemens, PA-C: Immunizations

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Jonathan Clemens, PA-C joined Dr. Mike Chupp to discuss practical ways healthcare professionals can overcome objections to immunizations and help patients make educated decisions. You can access the article written by Jonathan, “Addressing Religious Objections to Vaccination”, at this link.

Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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Jonathan Clemens, PA-C is a physician assistant (PA) practicing family, occupational, eating disorders, and sleep medicine in the Olympia, Washington area since his graduation from Pacific University in 2012, where he also teaches with the county EMS system and serves with a local fire department.  He also holds an M.Div. from Pepperdine university, and is working towards a Master of Theology from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.  For 2019-20, Jonathan serves as the president/chair of the Fellowship of Christian PAs, which is both a CMDA specialty section and a constituent organization within the American Academy of PAs (AAPA), the PA national professional organization. Prior to his career change into medicine, Jonathan worked in Information Security. He and his wife Terri have two adult sons and one daughter remaining at home.

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