Paul Warrick, MD: Medical Malpractice Ministry
Don’t miss a single podcast of CMDA Matters. You can subscribe through iTunes or GooglePlay, download our free CMDA app and or listen on our website at www.cmda.org/cmdamatters. This weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Mike Chupp features one interview with brief news and announcements that matter to you.
Dr. Paul Warrick joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss CMDA’s Medical Malpractice ministry.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Paul Warrick, MD, FACS is a solo private-practice otolaryngologist (head and neck surgeon) working in Lafayette, Indiana. He has been in practice for 16 years, entirely in the United States. He enjoys seeing medicine as a unique method for ministry and treating patients of all ages and both genders; he has an equal love for discussions with patients in the office and for operating in the head and neck region. He trained at the University of Toronto (undergraduate and residency) and McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (medical school). He has a special sense of passion to serve fellow colleagues suffering in the wake of a medical malpractice event or unexpected complication. In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf, running, singing and playing guitar. He is also involved in a collaboration between a CMDA student chapter at IUPUI and the church where he and his family attend. He and his wife Rebecca live in Indianapolis, Indiana with their two sons.
- CMDA’s Medical Malpractice Ministry
- CMDA Placement Services
- Teach us to Pray (Bible Study developed by David Goodman (Featured in podcast from July 2, 2020) on the Lord’s Prayer found in James.)