Serving on the Margin

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Dr. Scott Keller joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to talk about serving the most diverse square mile, in his refugee ministry Grace Village.

Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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Dr. Scott T. Keller DO, FAAFP is the medical director of Grace Village Medical Clinic in Clarkston, Georgia. Grace Village is a cooperative ministry of the Atlanta CMDA chapter and Grace Fellowship Church that has served the refugee and indigent population for the last 7 years. Dr. Keller is also a full-time family physician in Lilburn, Georgia and adjunct assistant professor of medicine at Emory University.

He received his undergraduate degree from West Virginia University, his DO degree from West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, and completed his residency at Brentwood/Case Western University in Cleveland. Since then, he has traveled on over 20 mission trips throughout the world and still does five a month in Clarkston  where 54 different countries are represented. He manages to squeeze in music, fishing, hunting, and writing children’s books but his favorite hobby is playing with his grandchildren. He and his lovely wife and mission partner, Brenda , have five adult children that always know where they can find comforting arms, prayer and a great homemade meal.



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