Steve Sartori, MD: Coaching and Well-being
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Dr. Steve Sartori joins Dr. Jeff Barrows on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss well-being and the impact of COVID-19.
Meet Our Guest

Dr. Steve Sartori is Director of CMDA’s Center for Well-being. He is a certified physician coach who helps doctors and other healthcare professionals align with God, optimize well-being and maximize influence. A graduate of The Medical College of Wisconsin, he has been CEO of a private group practice, chief of staff at two hospitals, faculty member for a family medicine residency program and chief medical officer for a faith-based community health center. He has served CMDA as a board member and treasurer, and he has participated in mission trips to Jamaica, Thailand, Romania, Kenya and Eswatini. He is married, with two adult children and two grandsons, and enjoys traveling and sports. An avid fan of the Green Bay Packers, he can sometimes be seen wearing a cheesehead.