Them Before Us

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Katy Faust joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss how our modern culture has put adult desires above the needs of children and how it affects them.


Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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Katy Faust is Founder and Director of Them Before Us. She received her undergraduate degree in Political Science and Asian Studies at St. Olaf College and then received a Fulbright scholarship to Taiwan. Her fluency in Mandarin assisted her when she worked with the largest Chinese adoption agency in the world. She publishes widely on the rights of children and is a regular contributor at The Federalist. Katy is the Washington State leader for the grass roots marriage movement CanaVox, and currently appears in their video series “Dear Katy.” She is married to a pastor and the mother of four children, the youngest of whom is from China.



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