Thomas Okamoto, MD: Mental Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Dr. Thomas Okamoto joins Dr. Mike Chupp and Co-Host Dr. Jeff Barrows on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss how COVID-19 is affecting the mental health of healthcare professionals.

Meet Our Guest(s):

Thomas H. Okamoto, M.D. is a Board-Certified Adult Psychiatrist with a specialty in Adolescent Psychiatry. Previously he held a post as Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine as well as Medical Director of the Minirth-Meier Clinic West Adult and Adolescent inpatient programs. He has lectured and written to many audiences, both scientific, church groups and the general public, on various topics in mental health. He is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UC Irvine School of Medicine and currently practices psychiatry in Santa Ana, California. He is Co-Chair of the Psychiatry Section of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations. He is married with 3 grown children.