Tim Goeglein: American Restoration

Don’t miss a single podcast of CMDA Matters. You can subscribe through iTunes or GooglePlay, download our free CMDA app and or listen on our website at www.cmda.org/cmdamatters. This weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Mike Chupp features one interview with brief news and announcements that matter to you.

Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by Tim Goeglein, the author of American Restoration: How Faith, Family and Personal Sacrifice Can Heal Our Nation. And then CMDA’s Vice President for Campus & Community Ministries Bill Reichart joins him to talk about how the unique challenges COVID-19 crisis has had on campus and community ministries across the country.

Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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Timothy S. Goeglein is the vice president for External and Government Relations at Focus on the Family in Washington, D.C. He served in high-level government posts for two decades, including press secretary for former Senator Dan Coats of Indiana, special assistant to President George W. Bush and deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison.

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