Zach Meade: Doctors of Design
Don’t miss a single podcast of CMDA Matters. You can subscribe through iTunes or GooglePlay, download our free CMDA app and or listen on our website at www.cmda.org/cmdamatters. This weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Mike Chupp features one interview with brief news and announcements that matter to you.
On the podcast this week, Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by CMDA’s Vice President of Campus & Community Ministries Bill Reichart as they chat with Zachary Meade. Zachary is a medical student at Carle Illinois College of Medicine, where he is also a CMDA student leader on his campus.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Zachary Meade’s journey to medical school was quite different from most students. He joined the U.S. Army at the age of 17, never imagining his experience as an army technician would one day lead him to a career in healthcare.
So how do the military, engineering, healthcare and being a leader fit together? Listen to the podcast today to hear more about how Zachary’s experiences serving in the military prepared him to join the country’s first engineering-based medical school.