Podcast Mission

Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.

Current Episodes of R2ED Out Loud Podcast

Side By Side

October 3, 2023

Rebecca Layman shares about CMDA’s Side By Side ministry and what the Lord has been teaching her since taking over their leadership.

What is God Doing?

September 28, 2023

Dave McAuley shares from Job 42 about understanding that the plans of God are always good but not always known.

Bioethics and Disagreements

September 28, 2023

Bioethicist and theologian Dr. Paul Hoehner discusses the newest released statement from CMDA’s Ethics committee, which is entitled “Disagreement Among Christians on Bioethical Issues”.

Behind the Curtain: Compelling Stories of Suffering and Faith from an ER Doc

September 27, 2023

Hear some of the most heart-wrenching stories of her 23 years in the Emergency Room, Dr. Trish Burgess explores genuine heartache and compassion for people who are going through the most difficult experiences of their lives, and how Christ’s compassion and peace can prevail in even the most extreme circumstances.

Restoration In Kenya

September 21, 2023

Dr. Caren Abraham shares about starting a dental clinic on the mission field in Kenya.

A Wake-up Call for Burnout

September 21, 2023

Dr. Zandra Cheng shares an incredible story about the trials of burnout and the amazing power of God.


September 19, 2023

Gene Rudd, MD shares about the process of restoration involved for all who sin in the church but especially for leaders.

In The Fear of God

September 14, 2023

Michael Booker shares from II Corinthians 1 about unlocking the promises of God by discovering a Holy Awe of God.

Passages to Israel

September 14, 2023

Dr. Rae Russell and Rachel Bright, are two CMDA members who recently traveled to Israel on a trip that CMDA helped to coordinate for student leaders.

How To Have An Unforgettable Summer Experience

September 13, 2023

Matthew Lynch discusses his summer preceptorship with the Medical Strategic Network. Matthew, from Atlanta, Georgia, completed undergraduate school at the University of Georgia and has recently started his first year of medical school at the University of Florida. He is interested in global health and caring for refugees in particular.