Podcast Mission

Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.

Current Episodes of R2ED Out Loud Podcast

A Doctor’s Journey Through Mentoring

July 26, 2023

Join Bill Reichart as he discusses the importance of mentoring with Dr. Alexandria McDow – how it has impacted her journey and how her passion for mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals continues to shape her life.

Psychological Safety

July 25, 2023

Bill Reichart shares about Psychological Safety and how the object of our trust should be Christ. 


July 21, 2023

David Stevens, MD shares about the purpose of yokes and how we are not working alone when we are yoked together with Christ.

Doubting Our Way To Glory

July 18, 2023

Gene Rudd, MD shares about doubts, that we all have them but need to deal with them as they hinder our relationship with God.

Operation Christmas Child

July 18, 2023

Alex from Rwanda shares about the impact receiving a Operation Christmas Child shoebox had on him and how we can amplify that impact to other children around the world.

A Conversation with CMDA’s VP of Missions

July 15, 2023

Rev. Bert Jones shares about his role as Vice President of Missions and Member Care at CMDA.

How to Have “Total Success” in Life

July 12, 2023

Bill Reichart engages in a compelling conversation with Dr. Marco Britton, delving into his captivating life journey and highlighting the notion that success should not be determined and defined by the world.

Dental Incarnational Discipleship

July 7, 2023

Dr. Katie Musser talks about how God is working to create disciples in dentistry through CMDA’s Dental Residency [+] program in Memphis, Tennessee.

Wandering in the Land of Nod

June 29, 2023

Gene Rudd, MD shares about how we can wander in a desert until we learn what the Lord is trying to teach us.

So What If You Are Hated

June 28, 2023

Bill Reichart talks to Ryan Bomberger from the Radiance Foundation about how we are to Biblically respond when people hate us because of our Christian convictions and faith. https://radiancefoundation.org/. Ryan Bomberger is an Emmy® Award-winning creative professional, international public speaker, columnist, factivist, and author of the powerful books, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong and the new She is She illustrated children’s book. He is the Cofounder of RadianceFoundation.org with his wife Bethany, a life-affirming organization based on the belief that every human life has purpose. Ryan has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of purpose. He is one of ten children who were adopted and loved in a diverse family of fifteen. Today, as an adoptee and adoptive father, he enjoys boldly illuminating the intrinsic worth we all possess.