Podcast Mission

Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.

Current Episodes of R2ED Out Loud Podcast

In the Name of Jesus

May 11, 2022

Gene Rudd, MD shares about using the name of Jesus and how Jesus grants us power to use His name in our Christian outreach.

Spiritual Care and Patient Care

May 5, 2022

Dr. Harold Koenig, a professor of psychiatry at Duke University and one of the foremost voices in the research on the effects of spirituality and health joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.

Care for the Poor

April 28, 2022

Rick Donlon, MD shares about our responsibility to care for the poor as Christians and the role of medicine in ministry.

Gender Ideology and Its Effects on Our Patients

April 28, 2022

Dr. Miriam Grossman, a practicing pyschiatrist whose practice focuses on gender-confused young people and their parents, joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s episode.

The Second Coming

April 26, 2022

Bert Jones shares from Acts 1:6-11 about Jesus’ 2nd Coming and shows us the promises of scripture versus the speculation of man.

Speaking Like Jesus

April 21, 2022

Fouad Masri presents how to effectively share your faith on a daily basis from a recent talk he gave at CMDA’s Remedy22 medical missions conference on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.

Events of Holy Week

April 14, 2022

Gene Rudd, MD shares about how the timeline of Holy Week played out between Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem and His resurrection.

Revisiting The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

April 14, 2022

We’re re-releasing an episode from 2021 with Dr. Carl Trueman in advance of the 2022 CMDA National Convention, where Dr. Trueman will be speaking about his book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.

Lessons From the Road to Emmaus

April 13, 2022

David Stevens, MD shares about how Jesus turns despair into hope and how you can never upset God by telling Him how you feel.

The Pitfalls of Consumer Medicine

April 7, 2022

Dr. Chris Lisanti joins Dr. Mike Chupp to discuss the pitfalls of consumer medicine and how his current research is exploring the intersection of medicine, philosophy and theology on this week’s episode.