Podcast Mission
Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.
Current Episodes of R2ED Out Loud Podcast
The 3 Directors
Ron Brown discusses the history of Global Health Outreach with Sam Molind, DMD and Don Thompson, MD; the 2 past directors of GHO plus current director Trish Burgess, MD.
Coronavirus and Ebola
Reverend Dr. Stephen Ko, a pastor and former CDC medical officer returns to CMDA Matters this week with an update on the Coronavirus. Dr. Rick Sacra, a CMDA member who is a missionary to Liberia and an Ebola survivor, talks with Dr. Mike Chupp this week recounting his experience with Ebola and how God used it to open the door for ministry.
Welcome to Our Podcast!
Trish Burgess, MD and Ron Brown introduce the new Let’s Go, GHO! podcast and share about exciting episodes to come!
Linda Rooks: Fighting for your Marriage
This week’s interview on CMDA Matters with Dr. Mike Chupp features Mrs. Linda Rooks, the author of Fighting for Your Marriage While Separated: A Practical Guide for the Brokenhearted.
Stephen Ko, MD: COVID-19 Update
This week’s interview on CMDA Matters with Dr. Mike Chupp features Reverend Dr. Stephen Ko, a pastor and former CDC medical officer. With a real and present danger of widespread community COVID-19 in the U.S., Dr. Ko gives insight into how Christians can be the hands and feet of Christ without fear while taking necessary precautions.
Luke Goodrich: Free To Believe
This week’s interview on CMDA Matters with Dr. Mike Chupp features Luke Goodrich, the author of Free to Believe: The Battle Over Religious Liberty in America. With rising threats to religious freedom and concerns that our beliefs will soon be marginalized, Luke Goodrich offers a reasoned, balanced, gospel-centered approach to religious freedom.
Omari Hodge, MD: Racism
February is Black History Month which commemorates the considerable achievements and contributions of African Americans in the United States. And today on CMDA Matters Dr. Mike Chupp and Vice President of Campus and Community Ministries, Bill Reichart, talks with Dr. Omari Hodge about the efforts by CMDA to combat racism and embrace diversity.
Dr. Bruce Boria: Dark Times & God’s Light
This week’s interview on CMDA Matters with Dr. Mike Chupp features Dr. Bruce Boria who is this year’s National Convention Bible Teacher. The theme of this interview could be called “Picking Up the Pieces,” as Bruce discusses how different aspects of his pastoral ministry have involved helping the body of Christ recover from the moral failures of a leader. How do you be strong and courageous when facing bad circumstances that could affect your calling from God? This interview is only a small taste of what he will be sharing with us at the CMDA National Convention in April in Cincinnati, Ohio.