Podcast Mission
Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.
Current Episodes of R2ED Out Loud Podcast
Mental Health and the Church
Dr. Stephen Grcevich, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, talks about mental health and the church, as well as how mental health relates to gender and identity.
How a CMDA Advisor Shapes Student Lives
Bill Reichart and guest Lisa Archer discuss her role as a Campus Advisor to the CMDA student chapter at AT Still Campus in Kirksville, MO.
The Gospel in Private Practice
Dr. Kevin Aduddell shares his desire to communicate the love of Christ through the care he provides by striving to integrate spiritual care in his private practice.
The Value of Community to Servants of Christ
Drs. Gloria and Paul Halverson talk about how impactful CMDA has been in their lives as Christians in healthcare.
God’s Peculiar People
Robert Howard shares from I Peter 2:9-10 about how we are to be people of God and conformed to His image.
100% Committed to the King
Rev. Will Graham shares an inspiring message about Hushai from the Old Testament in 2 Samuel and his pure and total obedience to God’s call.
Pro Abundant Life
Sandy Christiansen, MD shares about Care Net and how God has a design for families with a specific role for fathers.
Speaking Up for The Preborn
Kelsey Pritchard, State Public Affairs Director for SBA Pro-Life America, discusses the battle against pro-abortion amendments in several states across our nation.
Ends and Means of God
Greg Neal shares about how we do things is just as important to God as what we do.